Oh come on. It's just simple to establish your own advocacy online. Just make a blog about your ideals and you will be heard. However, always make sure that you are considering your limitations. Always be factual and credible. One of the best online activisms that i have visited is the environmental advocacy of GREENPEACE.
I find this as an excellent advocacy since they are protecting the environment and in fairness, they are supporting and campaigning for the use of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES. As a Geothermal engineering graduate, i know that they are fighting for a very significant matter.
COOL THE PLANET- Bloggers include Australia-based Filipino model Ala Paredes, model and architect Wan Reyes, political and environmental activist Red Constantino (currently attending the climate talks in Nairobi, Kenya), and volunteers
including a fashion entrepreneur, and members of renewable energy youth
organization SolarGeneration. Two other Filipinos, one based in San Francisco,
USA, and the other based in Khartoum, Sudan have joined the discussion together
with the only two-non Filipino bloggers on the list, a Kiwi and an Indian. Also
soon to be blogging will be Parokya ni Edgar vocalist Chito Miranda and model-TV
host and Greenpeace volunteer Amanda Griffin.
I have joined Greenpeace, how about you? Join Greenpeace asia now and be heard as well.

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