Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Donate your Boat to Charity!

God said that He came to earth to serve and not to be served. We, while in the pursuit for Christ-likeness, would want to do the same. As pursuing this, we look up to God, who has become the best model on how to work for others generously and sincerely.

There are several ways to help those who are in need. Most of us share our talents and anything that we have for other’s sake. Some give a portion of their wealth to bring happiness to the poor. These and more bring glory to God.

Today, we are entrapped in a world of plastics and metals and robots. Nonetheless, the glory of God remains prevalent because of the generous people who are like stars studded in a vast black space. That, even online, nothing stops people from giving a portion of their life for others. Among the sites that will testify this is the www.boatangel.org.

Angel Ministries is the root of boatAngel, where
boat donations are used to create children's animations and anti-drug documentaries. You can find on their site a preview of several positive media produced by their ministry instead of (like most donation firms) the salaries produced for those who work there.

If you want to
donate boats too, you can assure that the proceeds will also go to the rehabilitation of teens and new hope for the prisoners. When you are ready to say to yourself: “I’ll donate my boat to charity”, do it for God’s glory. God knows your intentions, and He is just enough to make the compensation.

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